Training at a glance
Private Training (with Catherine Whittaker, Reiki Master / Teacher):
Hi! My name is Catherine and I love energy!
I may be a TINY bit biased, but I think the world of energy is MIND BLOWING!
Nothing makes me happier than teaching and coaching about what I am passionate about, which is EVERYTHING to do with energy!
It can open your eyes to a world of new possibilities.
It can open your eyes to everyday miracles that happen by default when you consciously understand how to work with energy.
Taking your knowledge to the next level.
You may consider yourself a newbie ready to jump in headfirst, or maybe you have been practicing for years but you are ready to take your skills to the next level…
Wherever you are on your journey, if you are ready to learn or enhance your existing energy healing practice (for yourself and/or for others), if you want to strengthen your own personal spiritual connection, and/or if you want to spread the word and grow your inspired business…
Then you are at the right place.
It’s time to roll out the red carpet!
This is your VIP training destination, where all in-person classes (and some virtual) are private, 1-1 training and customized to your needs!
Private Reiki Training
Reiki Level 1 (with Catherine Whittaker, Reiki Master / Teacher):
1 day class, 9am – 5pm. Private classes scheduled on demand (In-person or virtually)
Usui Method of Reiki Healing.
Learn how to heal yourself, your loved ones, plants, and animals with the ancient Japanese healing art of Reiki!
Enhance your everyday life.
Level 1 Reiki is ideal for anyone interested in learning more about energy healing, how it works, and the benefits.
Reiki can be used to enrich your everyday life, help you embrace positive change in your life, and help propel you along your spiritual path.
Become more connected.
Within weeks and months, most students find that they feel in better control of their lives, become more intuitive, and therefore feel a stronger sense of purpose, no matter what their background or career goals are.
Many books, spiritual leaders and websites are now talking about enlightenment, awakening, ascension, and so on.
Although these states of consciousness are usually not achieved overnight, Reiki Level 1 can help you become a better body of light and love, shedding negativity and lower vibrations that are no longer serving you. And that is a great first step to achieving these states.
If you feel drawn to it, you are ready!
If you are intrigued by energy work or feel drawn to feeling more connected spiritually, Level 1 Reiki can accelerate your personal growth and lead you on your journey!
What is covered?
This is a very comprehensive class. You will learn all about Reiki, Reiki history, why it works and how it is used.
You will then have your very own private Reiki Level 1 Attunement, preceded by a customized guided meditation to enhance your connection and experience.
You will learn how to ground yourself (properly) to protect your energy and the energy of your clients.
We then dive into a full hands on practice session, where we do the session together and I teach you step by step, in full details just like you would in a professional reiki session.
Plus, there will be lots of opportunities for Q & A.
I like to teach with stories to make it fun and easy to remember.
I also like to provide you with a few extras that are way beyond Reiki Level 1, including how to do a distance treatment and how to communicate on a soul level with your clients during your sessions to accelerate emotional healing!
Private class customized to your needs.
Currently, ALL Reiki classes are private. Class can be held in-person or virtually on Zoom. This is an exclusive opportunity to have the entire class customized to your needs, interests, and intentions.
As a student, you will be encouraged to explore your individual strengths, and your individual path and needs will be honored and respected. Classes are thought in a very respectful manner, keeping Reiki a sacred healing art.
Class includes both in-class theory (with manual) and hands-on practice.
Cost: $480 (Includes Certificate)
Pre-requisite: Must have received a full Reiki treatment (or equivalent) in the last few years.
Please book directly by pressing the “BOOK NOW” above, or contact me directly if you have any questions.
Reiki Level 2 (with Catherine Whittaker, Reiki Master / Teacher):
1 day class, 9am – 5pm. Private classes scheduled on demand (In-person or virtually)
Practitioner level Reiki.
If you already have Reiki Level 1 and you have the inner desire to move on to the next Level of Reiki for personal and/or professional reasons, this is your next step!
After you complete your training, you will be certified to start taking clients for paid, professional reiki treatments (if you choose to).
Or, simply learn more for your own personal development and self healing journey.
3 sacred Reiki symbols.
Level 2 attunes you to 3 sacred Reiki symbols, giving you the ability to increase your power, do emotional / mental healing, and distance healing.
Advanced class.
This is also an advanced Reiki class, eliminating the need to take a separate course in advanced Reiki. Along with a manual, you are given additional tools and techniques to maximize your skills that you can start using immediately in your practice.
We also take the time to do a full hands-on reiki treatment as part of your certification, where one lucky individual receives a Reiki Treatment from both of us. I teach you exactly all the steps and techniques I use with my own healing clients.
Private class customized to your needs.
Currently, ALL Reiki classes are private. Class can be held in-person or virtually on Zoom. This is an exclusive opportunity to have the entire class customized to your needs, interests, and intentions.
As a student, you will be encouraged to explore your individual strengths, and your individual path and needs will be honored and respected. Classes are thought in a very respectful manner, keeping Reiki a sacred healing art.
Class includes both in-class theory (with manual) and hands-on practice.
Cost: $480 (Includes Certificate)
Pre-requisite: Reiki Level 1
Please book directly by pressing the “BOOK NOW” above, or contact me directly if you have any questions.
Reiki Master / Teacher (with Catherine Whittaker, Reiki Master / Teacher):
2-day class, 9am – 5pm. Private classes scheduled on demand (In-person only)
Reiki to teach.
If you already have your Level 1 and Level 2 Reiki, appropriate experience, and a strong inner calling to learn how to pass on Reiki to others, this is your next step.
Pre-requisite interview.
Please be prepared to show your Level 1 and Level 2 certificates and answer screening questions prior to booking your training.
I simply want to make sure you have appropriate training and experience. Serious enquiries only.
Cost: Please enquire
Book your private 15-minute consultation here (for Reiki Master / Teacher Certification) or contact me directly.
Intuitive Training
Listening to your intuition: Getting the answers you want when you need them:
1 day class, 9am-4pm. Private classes scheduled on demand (In-person or virtually)
Do you use your intuition daily?
Of course you do! It is a life skill you can’t really shut off or live without, whether you are conscious of it or not.
You make dozens of decisions every single day. Some are easy and some are a lot harder.
Have you ever considered how much time you waste being confused, in limbo, or worse, when you put your life and dreams “on hold” until you make a decision? Yup. The simple answer is too much time!
A life skill you can’t live without.
Imagine if you knew how to “tune in” to get simple yes or no answers.
Imagine if you knew how to trust your intuition on bigger life decisions.
Imagine acting on your intuition instead of analyzing if you are making it up or not.
Nobody knows the right answers more than you do!
And you already have all the tools at your disposal to get the answers you want!
This training will teach you what they are so that you can recognize when you are getting the answers to your important life questions.
In addition, a few simple divination tools will also be introduced to give you that extra push in the right direction.
Customized intuitive training for your needs.
This training was originally created for a 3-Day Weekend Retreat Intensive. It was filled with tons of meditations, different intuitive techniques, divination tools, fun group exercises, and lots of bonuses.
But what if we could customize the entire day to what you need right now? How fun would that be?
To book your customized Intuitive Training, please contact me directly to discuss your needs.
Protecting Your Energy
Protecting Your Energy: Daily Practice Essentials:
1 day class, 9am-4pm. Private classes scheduled on demand (In-person or virtually)
You want your energy to be high.
Do you ever notice your energy getting drained when dealing with certain clients, friends, family members, projects, while visiting certain locations, or even thinking of a loved one?
If so, you are not alone, and learning how to recognize the signs and what to do to protect your energy daily is important for your health, energy, and happiness.
This fundamental energy protection training is a must for lightworkers, empaths, and/or if you consider yourself “energy sensitive”!
Keeping your energy strong goes a long way. Not only do you feel better with more energy, but it enhances your spiritual practice, your physical, emotional, and mental health, keeps you in flow, and sharpens your intuitive connection. The list of benefits truly is priceless if you know what to do.
Enhanced overall health.
Not only can it lift your energy and change your attitude in certain situations, but applying this knowledge also protects your health in the long term.
I will share with you the essential tools that I have learned and tested on myself and my clients for the last 16 years. This personalized Energy Protection Training is normally a full day event.
Cost: $480
To book your customized Intuitive Training, please contact me directly to discuss your needs.
By Request Training
For Holistic Practitioners:
Holistic modality “add-ons.”
If you are interested in taking your holistic practice and skills to the next level, having a few extra modalities can really enhance your client’s results and experience.
Here is a list of “some” of the techniques that I can teach you: relaxation massage, energy massage, hot stone massage, Indian Head Massage (My own certified signature lay-down version), aromatherapy basics, thermal body wrap, hand reflexology basics, and cranial sacral foot reflexology basics.
Plus, a wide variety of Advanced energy healing techniques since everything I do is energy based.
Enhancing your client’s experience and healing results.
You may be interested in learning one specific technique or learning many over a few days.
The value-added techniques can enhance your skill set and customer experience in a short period of time.
Please contact me directly to discuss your specific needs.
Please note: This training is NOT intended for beginners. To take full advantage of this training, you should be trained and certified in at least one modality with ample client experience AND your Reiki Practitioner Training (Level 1 and Level 2).
For Inspired Entrepreneurs
Essential Marketing Toolkit (For Inspired Entrepreneurs):
My corporate background before I became an Energy Healer / Coach was Sales and Marketing.
Here is the thing. Most people think of sales and marketing and cringe. Which is understandable because most of your experiences with marketing are probably icky and as a result, you do not want anything to do with it. And I agree with you 100%.
But I get REALLY excited!
And the reason for that is that I see it from a different perspective.
Fact is that you, your business, sales and marketing is 100% energy. It’s a combination of purpose, passion, clarity, alignment, intention, simplicity, and offer.
With the right formula, you truly are unstoppable.
The higher the energy, the better the marketing. And I think that is the coolest thing on the planet.
Because what you are truly trying to do to market your business is shine your light. Brightly. And serve. From the heart.
Marketing your business should feel aligned, authentic, and expansive.
And I use my skills, knowledge and passion to make that happen for you.
- If you consider yourself to be an “Inspired Entrepreneur” …
- If you are concerned about your life purpose, alignment, authenticity, high vibrational marketing…
- If you want to get “set-up” online without losing your mind (or your passion) trying to figure out the technical details (like your website) …
- If you don’t want to lose sight of WHY you started your business in the first place while creating your marketing plan….
- If you consider yourself a lightworker, highly sensitive, energy conscious, purpose driven and/or heart centered…
- If you want to get it done fast without the headaches and indecision…
- If you want to feel confident and clear about your marketing in a way that feels natural to you…